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A personal assistanthousekeeper - child caregiver / nanny, and cook / chef , are not all one service. They are separate job descriptions which may be mixed & matched so long as the guidelines are clear and both parties are in agreement of the tasks at hand. With that said, I am not a professional nanny....but I do offer child-care services for children aged 3 and up. It is also very important that when I am taking care of children that I am not cleaning or making meals that will distract me from watching over your precious little ones; because chidlren can get into trouble at the blink of an eye - I want my eyes on them.


child care & what I need to know


1) How old are the children?

2) how many children do you have?

3) Is your child autistic or have any disabilities?

4) How far is their school - driving or walking time?

5) What time do the children wake up?

6) What time is bed time?

7) What methods of discipline are you comfortable with?

8) Computer & mobile device restrictions?

9) Television restrictions?

10) Yard or in-home restrictions? 

11) What do you do when children don't feel well?

12) What do you do or say when children are unruly?

13) Emergency telephone numbers?

14) What do your children prefer to eat? Or not eat?

15) Forbidden foods?

16) Do your children have food or other allergies?


do you require full time nanny services or full time day care?


Nanny services include dressing, feeding & play-time; driving children to appointments, events, and/or school; taking the toddlers for walks or to the park. Helping with their home-work, doing their laundry, cleaning up their toys and rooms.

It is a full-time job and commitment. 


Child care is more like babysitting; shorter hours- usually just for the day. 


If you are hiring a long-term professional nanny... or want to know more about 

nanny services please visit this

website for more information.


little Raina in her bugaboo-posh-home_edited.jpg

what is child care?

Childcare is slightly different than being a nanny. Taking care of children for an hour or two while you are out of the home is considered "child-care." Child-care is a temporary, short-term, request; it includes feeding, changing clothes, play-time and tucking children in at bedtime. 





Mother's helper


Maybe you prefer to spend some time with your children but you can't because shopping, dinner or some other time-consuming expectation awaits you. This is where mothers helper comes to the rescue; tidying up, putting away dishes, shopping, prep & cook breakfast, lunch or dinner; wash & put away all the dishes. Mother's helper is especially handy during the holidays or if you are throwing a dinner, luncheon, or birthday party.  

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